Celebrating 20 Years

Research. Develop. Position.

We’re the agricultural marketing agency that helps clients stay memorable in a world transforming at speed.

RDP Communications, The Hub, Park Mill Farm, Vineyard Lane,
Kingswood, Wotton-under-Edge, GL12 8SB, UK

Phone: +44 (0)7917 603377
Email: growmybrand@rdp.co.uk

The impact our milk choices have

Between 2020 and 2022, there was an increase in the European sales of Plant Based Milk (PBM) by 20% while conventional milk sales decreased by 9%. The UK has visibly seen this increase in cafes, where many opt for oat, almond, and soy alternatives.

The Impact of the RDP Farming Readership Survey 

We all know that Farmers are active users of social media, and we at RDP craft communication plans for our clients to harness this. However, the question remains: has the rise of social media engagement come at the expense of traditional farming magazines and website consumption?

A little helping hand goes a long way 

With the cold winter months upon us it’s that time of year for hedgehogs to start their hibernation. Yes, these adorable little creatures hibernate during the cold winter months, and it’s important to know how to spot a hibernating hedgehog and what to do if you come across one. 

Preparation and planning: an investment worth the wait

There’s an argument that you get what you pay for, but then again of course everyone loves to find a bargain so it’s probably not a straight yes / no answer. The key is understanding what the time is used for, and the inherent value in that investment. 

Backing British Farming

This year sees the ninth annual Back British Farming Day, conceptualised by the NFU. Celebrating British Farming, the day is intended to recognise and highlight the importance of agriculture to our food security and the economy. Given the new Government’s statement that “food security is national security”, this year it is even more important than ever to get this message across.

The benefits of motion design

In today’s digital age, motion graphics and animations are playing an increasingly essential part in creating engaging and visually appealing content.

AI Versus Agency

While we have no doubt that some businesses will go all-in with AI, we know that clients who value real ideas and who want to really tap into what their audience is thinking and feeling will always want the human touch.

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