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Is social media working for you? -when and why you should have an audit  

Michelle Robinson

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Is social media working for you? -when and why you should have an audit  

Social media plays a vital role in showcasing your business’s brand and building an engaged audience of loyal brand advocates. Done well, social media marketing shows the world who a brand is and what it stands for. But do you ever get that nagging feeling that your social media efforts aren’t paying off? Maybe you aren’t sure if you’re posting the right kind of content or if your message is hitting the spot. If this sounds familiar, you need a social media plan. Have you considered a social media audit? 

What is a social media audit? 

If you’re feeling lost when it comes to your social media strategy (or lack of one), a social media audit can help you get back on track. So, what’s involved? It’s basically part assessment of your current social media performance including reach and engagement metrics, and part identifying your target audience and where there’s room for improvement.  

Once you’ve got this information, you’ll have the insights you need to elevate your social media presence and build a loyal and engaged audience.  

The benefits of a social media audit  

Get a better insight into how well your socials are performing 

If you can measure your metrics and see how your social accounts are performing, you’ll be able to identify where improvements are needed. This helps you make the changes you need to make to take your content from tumbleweed to must-read.  

Find the best social channel to reach your audience 

You could be producing the best content in the world, but if it’s not appearing where your target audience hang out, it won’t matter. A social media audit will help uncover the channels your audience engage with most, so you can focus your efforts on those for better results.  

Track your progress on social media over time  

Once the social media audit has guided you towards a new and improved strategy, you’ll be able to track your progress over time, tweaking things as you go, and reaping the rewards of having a social media plan that works for you.  

Is social media working for you?  

We offer a comprehensive social media audit as well as social media management programmes that will help take the guesswork out of your digital marketing. Imagine getting the insights that will help you convert likes into sales and being the instantly recognisable brand which posts content that resonates.  

If you want to elevate your social profiles or you need a social media management programme that puts your brand front and centre exactly where your ideal clients will see it, get in touch for a no-obligation chat.  

Get more information about our social media expertise here.  


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