Celebrating 19 Years

Research. Develop. Position.

We’re the agricultural marketing agency that helps clients stay memorable in a world transforming at speed.

RDP Communications, The Hub, Park Mill Farm, Vineyard Lane,
Kingswood, Wotton-under-Edge, GL12 8SB, UK

Phone: +44 (0)7917 603377
Email: growmybrand@rdp.co.uk

Media. Strategic advertising for rural businesses.

We use data and statistics to optimise our client’s media spend.

Our experience in media buying, alongside our knowledge and understanding of both agriculture and the veterinary market, means we can create and deliver media strategies that get results.

By using the very latest media measurement tools and the commissioning of bespoke media research, combined with our comprehensive knowledge of the markets we work in, our aim as an agency is to make your lives as easy as possible whilst delivering the agreed KPIs in your marketing strategy.

of consumers need to hear company claims 3-5 times before they believe
0 %
Agricultural workers are 70% more likely to pay attention to newspaper ads than other consumers
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is the average email click-through rate in the agriculture industry
0 %

How we can help

Comprehensive media database

We analyse data to help establish which media channels are available for the targeting of the end consumer. We can access ad rates, circulation, readership and audience sizes, which helps us make comparisons on cost efficiency and negotiate the best possible ad rates for our clients.

Audience evaluation tools

Instead of relying on media owner self-certified research, we use independent measurement tools, which is invaluable in the planning process of site selection. For example we can evaluate traffic sources, time on site, and page views.


When there is a lack of independent media information on a targeted audience, we are at the forefront of investing in new research. We commissioned a survey on the veterinary market to understand audiences and duplication of readership, so we can be savvy when it comes to media buying!

Our work in action

Royal Canin tended to spread their advertising across all available Veterinary channels because they were unsure what their targeted audience was actually reading and viewing, so asked us to come up with a solution.

A lack of independent research posed a problem when it came to selecting the right titles, so we commissioned independent research on the veterinary media market to determine actual readership figures and duplication of readership between titles. We found out that 40% of readers of one key veterinary publication were also reading another! The invaluable results helped us plan the most cost-efficient media plan possible.

Our strategy meant that despite a lower budget than previous years, we were able to deliver more insertions per title than before, by selecting titles with relatively high and unique readerships/audience figures. The result? The campaign was seen by 90% of the desired audience, whilst achieving a lower cost per insertion per title and an increase in the opportunities to see.

Want to know more about our other services?

Expertise PR

We identify key messages, develop engaging communication strategies, and deliver compelling stories.

Expertise Strategy

Using our technical insight and thorough research, we create strategic marketing solutions that support business growth.

Expertise Branding

We combine our strategic and creative expertise to create eye-catching brands, memorable brand messages and engaging campaigns.

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